Friday, July 6, 2012

Small Changes

For me this is not about an immediate strict diet change. I want this to be doable for the rest of my life. I don’t want to work so hard only to find myself thin and in a year back up at 250.  So I am trying to make small changes every day. Yesterday I changed my big ice cream bowl to a small cup. I had a salad for lunch instead of a greasy hamburger. Also my Indian eggplant and sweet potato dinner made me feel great about myself. I ate what I feel was a very plant rich diet, and that is in line with the Word of Wisdom. So there I am happy.

I know this will be a long road, there are so many foods that I love so much and I don’t think I should have to give up any of them. After all I see plenty of thin people eating pizza, butter, white rice etc… why can’t I be like them. Maybe they eat only one piece of pizza when I may eat ½ of a whole pizza. This journey is about me trying to eat in moderation and add more plants, without using meat as my main food source. So where there is a little step to be taken I will take it.

Here are some small steps I will try this week. Wish me luck.

1.   Drinking water

2.   Making plant rich meals

3.   When having a “bad” food just chill out a bit (moderation)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Indian eggplant and sweet potato

½ Tbs oil
½ onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 inch ginger, chopped
1 small chili, chopped
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 Tbs cumin
½ Tbs turmeric
1 Tbs paprika
1 eggplant, chopped 1-inch chunks
1 sweet potato, chopped 1-inch chunks
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in a large pot. Add onion, garlic, ginger and chili. Sauté until golden brown. Add spices and toast for 15 sec. or until fragrant. Add eggplant and sweet potato. And 1 cup water bring to a boil lower heat and simmer until veggies are tender about 30min. Add salt along the way with each addition to the pot. Add pepper to taste.
Recipe inspired by spice goddess on cooking channel

Follow the Prophet, he knows the way.

My name is Shannon. I am 30 years old and have a wonderful husband and 3 super cute little kids. I am LDS or Mormon as most like to call us, and I have a dirty little secret I am not living worthily. I have not been living the Word of Wisdom. No I have not been drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or even drinking coffee, I have been....... eating meat like a crazy woman and also, no fruits or veggies have touched my lips in a long while. Does this mean that I should not be allowed in the Temple? Thus far no one has stopped my big old butt from entering on the grounds, you sister are too fat and don't think your fooling us, you have not been eating in moderation. I also see other large figured brothers and sisters in the Temple, I sometimes give those large boned brothers and sisters a look and a nod, we know we got away with it this time and after this we will go stuff ourselves silly at the nearest restaurant.
Ok so just in case you are not a member and reading this. I am being sarcastic, you can not and never will be exempt from going into the Temple just because you are fat. However we have been counseled by the Prophet Joseph Smith about the Word of Wisdom. It states in D&C section 89 that meat should be eaten sparingly, and all grain and fruit above and below the ground is good for man and should be the staff of life. This is where we Mormons also get the bit about not using tobacco, coffee, and drugs. 
I am now at 250lbs and have gained over 100lbs in the last 10 years. I am totally grossed out by myself and need to do something about it. I don't believe in trends or fad diets. I have watched my friends lose tons of weight only to gain it all back. And oh the restrictions and the never ending talk of how bad carbs are. It's too much. So I thought I would do as the primary song tells us and, Follow the Prophet he knows the way. 
The Word of Wisdom is not just great advice it is a commandment, and by following this commandment we have been promised great blessings. Hopefully one will be great weight loss, you know to run and not be weary you have to be much thinner than 250, trust me.  
From reading the Word of Wisdom, I have in my own mind come up with what I think I can do to best follow the Prophet
1. Eat a plant rich diet
2. Eat meat sparingly
3. Eat in moderation
Sounds easy enough! So here we go.